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FREE online courses on Corporate Strategies - Restructuring - Sum Up


To sum up, the guidelines that should be followed when particular strategies are most effective are given below:



Forward Integration


When an organization's present distributors are especially expensive, or unreliable, or incapable of meeting the company's distribution needs

When the availability of quality distributors is so limited as to offer a competitive advantage to those companies that integrate forward

When an organization competes in an industry that is growing and is expected to continue to grow markedly; this is a factor because forward integration reduces an organization's ability to diversify if its basic industry falters

When an organization has both the capital and human resources needed to manage the new business of distributing its own products

When the advantages of stable production are particularly high; this is a consideration because an organization can increase the predictability of the demand for its output through forward integration

When present distributors or retailers have high profit margins; this situation suggests that a company could profitably distribute its own products and price them more competitively by integrating forward


Backward Integration


When an organization's present suppliers are especially expensive, or unreliable, or incapable of meeting the company's needs for parts, components, assemblies, or raw materials

When the number of suppliers is few and the number of competitors is many

When an organization competes in an industry that is growing rapidly; this is a factor because integrative-type strategies (forward, backward, and horizontal) reduce an organization's ability to diversify in a declining industry

When an organization has both the capital and human resources needed to manage the new business of supplying its own raw materials

When the advantages of stable prices are particularly important; this is a factor because an organization can stabilize the cost of its raw materials and the associated price of its product through backward integration

When present supplies have high profit margins, which suggests that the business of supplying products or services in the given industry is a worthwhile venture.

When an organization needs to acquire a needed resource quickly


Horizontal Integration


When an organization can gain monopolistic characteristics in a particular area or region without being challenged by the federal government for “tending substantially” to reduce competition

When an organization competes in a growing industry

When increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages

When an organization has both the capital and human talent needed to successfully manage an expanded organization

When competitors are faltering due to a lack of managerial expertise or a need for particular resources that your organization possesses; note that horizontal integration would not be appropriate if competitors are doing poorly because overall industry sales are declining


Market Penetration


When current markets are not saturated with your particular product or service

When the usage rate of present customers could be significantly increased

When the market shares of major competitors have been declining while total industry sales have been increasing

When the correlation between dollar sales and dollar marketing expenditures has historically been high

When increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages


Market Development


When new channels of distribution are available that are reliable, inexpensive, and of good quality

When an organization is very successful at what it does

When new untapped or unsaturated markets exist

When an organization has the needed capital and human resources to manage expanded operations

When an organization has excess production capacity

When an organization's basic industry is rapidly becoming global in scope


Product Development


When an organization has successful products that are in the maturity stage of the product life cycle; the idea here is to attract satisfied customers to try new (improved) products as a result of their positive experience with the organization's present products or services

When an organization competes in an industry that is characterized by rapid technological developments

When major competitors offer better quality products at comparable prices

When an organization competes in a high-growth industry.

When an organization has especially strong research and development capabilities


Concentric Diversification


When an organization competes in a no-growth or a slow-growth industry

When adding new, but related, products would significantly enhance the sales of current products

When new, but related, products could be offered at highly competitive prices

When new, but related, products have seasonal sales levels that counterbalance an organization's existing peaks and valleys

When an organization's products are currently in the decline stage of the product life cycle

When an organization has a strong management team


Conglomerate Diversification


When an organization's basic industry is experiencing declining annual sales and profits

When an organization has the capital and managerial talent needed to compete successfully in a new industry

When the organization has the opportunity to purchase an unrelated business that is an attractive investment opportunity

When there exists financial synergy between the acquired and acquiring company; note that a key difference between concentric and conglomerate diversification is that the former should be based on some commonality in markets, products, or technology, whereas the latter should be based more on profit considerations

When existing markets for an organization's present products are saturated

When antitrust action could be charged against an organization that has historically concentrated on a single industry


Horizontal Diversification


When revenues derived from an organization's current products or services would significantly increase by adding the new, unrelated products

When an organization competes in a highly competitive and/or a no-growth industry, as indicated by low industry profit margins and returns

When an organization's present channels of distribution can be used to market the new products to current customers

When the new products have countercyclical sales patterns compared to an organization's present products


Joint Venture


When a privately owned organization is forming a joint venture with a publicly owned organization; there are some advantages of being privately held, such as close ownership; there are some advantages of being publicly held, such as access to stock issuances as a source of capital. Sometimes, the unique advantages of being privately and publicly held can be synergistically combined in a joint venture

When a domestic organization is forming a joint venture with a foreign company; joint venture can provide a domestic company with the opportunity for obtaining local management in a foreign company, thereby reducing risks such as expropriation and harassment by host country officials

When the distinctive competencies of two or more companies complement each other especially well

When some project is potentially very profitable, but requires overwhelming resources and risks; the Alaskan pipeline is an example

When two or more smaller companies have trouble competing with a large company

When there exists a need to introduce a new technology quickly



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